Thursday, February 21, 2008


There is a "person" that has had bad luck for a long time. He gets beat up a lot, sometimes by his own arms. He was stripped of his dignity, clothes and is forced to participate in shots unwillingly. I've seen him get his head knocked in the other direction. I feel sorry for him, but what the hell, he's just a mannequin.


MalmsteenRulez! said...

Dude....what the....just yesterday you smacked his head in frustrations a couple of times +_+. Should've mentioned that in your post =D

Michael J. Cripps said...

Don't you need a picture for those of us in the "global audience" who don't know who Rob? Did you get the c/overt Bernstein reference?

Anonymous said...

How pitiful.

Juan said...

ROB!!!! Didn't kyle break him in half today?? lol