Thursday, February 28, 2008


When I'm bored on the train I like to analyze people. By analyzing I mean to try to figure things out about people just by looking at them. This means I have to stare at them for a long time. I have met quite a few people that way. I have been told by many people that a person could feel you looking if you stared at them too long. That is crap. What happens is you look around and see someone staring. Normal human beings cannot sense things. We do not have ESP and things like that.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


There is a "person" that has had bad luck for a long time. He gets beat up a lot, sometimes by his own arms. He was stripped of his dignity, clothes and is forced to participate in shots unwillingly. I've seen him get his head knocked in the other direction. I feel sorry for him, but what the hell, he's just a mannequin.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


This Valentine's day a girl ( no you'll never know who she is) told me she had something important to tell me, and that she would tell me when she was ready. Now ignoring my suspicions on what she was going to tell me, if you have something important to say to someone shouldn't you tell them as soon as possible? Life is short, what if, God forbid, something happens and you never get to know what the person was trying to tell you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Topic People

Although the bass is quite interesting, based on some recent events I've decided that it would be better to blog about the people I meet instead. So that's the new topic, "The people I meet." basically I'll be talking about interesting things that happened to people I know and people I meet, when I meet them. Let's start by talking about a workshop I went to this weekend. I met a girl, named Raquel, who always has this blank expression on her face. When I talked to her, I had to pry information out of her. Also what amuses me about even more is that she lives and works in upstate yet she doesn't have a cellphone. She has a car though. Weird.