Sunday, April 27, 2008

Free for all

I am a clerk at my church, and sometimes I have to ask people for their information, sometimes personal information. Of course I don't mean their social security number and bank account number, I'm talking about information like middle names, date of birth (including the year), marital status, etc. The problem here is that it can seem a bit invasive, and I have always been uncomfortable asking people for personal information, as personally I like to keep myself a mystery to everyone else. I have often wondered why everyone wants to know your business. Most companies/organizations don't need most if any of the information that they ask for, so why take it?


MalmsteenRulez! said...

Well....u gotta do what u gotta do. True, though. I don't get why sometimes I'm being asked about marital status and blah...blah....blah.... Why do they even want to know?

She She said...

I agree sometimes you gotta do what u gotta do but I know how it is I dont really like people in my business so i would feel weird asking people their information as well

tawana said...

I always felt uncomfortable asking people personal information at my old job, but it was required. I don't mind answering questions my self just as long as they're not too personal.

Anonymous said...

Why would a church need all that information anyway, my church doesn't. All they need is my name and they may ask the month you were born if you want to get acknowledge when your birthday comes around, and the marital status part is needed only if you are getting married. I sure would want to know why they need all that info cause i am there to worship not to apply for a job.