Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Bureaucrats and politicians are useless and I don't know why we persist in electing career politicians. Let me get straight to the point. In the country formally known as Burma, there was recently a cyclone. The country was devastated, so as usual other countries offered aid. Like an idiot, the president refuses the aid. Of course his only reason is because he doesn't want it to look like the government can not support the people. To save face. The most ridiculous explanation ever giving for forcing people to suffer and die. By the way that country is one of the poorest known countries on the planet. The funny thing is, many government officials have used this excuse to be lazy for centuries. What never made sense to me is why we persist in electing these buffoons?


MalmsteenRulez! said...

Wow....some pride he's got. I don't understand how he can deny the facts that his country is poor (to be honest), they just barely survived a cyclone and his people are dying. How can he not see that his people do need help? What's the point of saving face if the whole world knows that your country's poor anyway? Doesn't that make him look like some big, inconsiderate jerk? Lots of countries have accepted help from other countries in the past when they did really need the help. Yes, wealthier countries. So why the pride?

Anonymous said...

That's the same thing we were talking about in my house how the stupid idiot would rather choose his pride over the cries of his people. And he doesn't know how evil he is making himself out to be, they force him out of power.